Sunday, December 29, 2019

Amanda & Ross-Southern Belle Wedding

Just a fast post of my last wedding for the year.  My husband was super excited for me to do this wedding.  I know that's an odd statement considering that he could barely tell you what I do when I do a wedding,  his reason for being interested is because both the bride and groom race cars.  Yep....the bride and groom.  That being said,  I'm a Saturday night widow as I call it.  Warren loves to go to the races every Saturday (and sometimes others) night.  He usually invites me but,  I haven't been since I was very pregnant with Wrenn,  and to me it was a very long a drawn out process.  So,  when I told him the name of the couple that I was doing the wedding for he was all about it.  He told me that the bride was a really good driver:}  that's a super big compliment coming from him.  It was a wonderful day for a wedding and I was blessed to watch a Dad give away his "daddy's girl" to a wonderful man with an equally wonderful family that I've known for many years.  The first look between Amanda and her father brought me to tears.  I could truly see how close they are and that they have a special bond.  Ross is a gentle giant with a soft side for his family and I know it meant the world that they could be there with him as he started the next chapter.  Here are just a few moments from their day.  My lack of flare with words don't do they day justice.  Enjoy!!

I still can't understand how Ross managed this pose below and held it while I snapped away.  I put my skills to the test later just to see how difficult it was and,  it's harder then it looks. :}

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Girl Mama-Maryland Maternity Photography

New Dresses in the studio so this sweet mama came to model for me.  She's expecting baby girl #3 in March. Enjoy!!