Friday, July 12, 2019

Senior Year-Delaware Senior Photography

It's finally come!  Wrenn's senior year.  I'm not sure how it happened.  I've been raising children for 34 years now and it's about to come to an end and I'm not sure I'm ready for it.  It truly seems like yesterday when all 5 girls lived and home and there was noise and movement every where,  tons of laundry to do, and endless running of the shower.  At one point,  I thought our driveway looked like a used car lot.  :}  The family always kicked their shoes off at the front door and I remember a family friend (Doug Worster) came in and saying that it looked like PicNPay exploded (some of you are to young to get that reference).  Those were the days.  I miss them.  So here is the last of the Springer sisters heading into her senior year.  Enjoy!!

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Girl Mama-Maryland Maternity Photography

New Dresses in the studio so this sweet mama came to model for me.  She's expecting baby girl #3 in March. Enjoy!!